Pregnancy Resources

Marywood has been assisting birth families for almost 90 years as they explore the decision to parent or make an adoption plan through the following services:

  •  Individual and family support
  •  Connection to community resources
  •  Case management services
  •  Identifying an adoptive family if that is the decision
  •  Post adoption services, if needed

Making an Adoption Plan

How do I get started in the adoption process?
Call Marywood at and speak with the pregnancy case manager about your decision to parent or make an adoption plan.

Why do people choose adoption?
There are many reasons why birthparents choose adoption. Some feel they're too young or don't have the financial resources to raise a child. They have other children and cannot emotionally, physically and financially take care of another child. Only you can make the right decision for yourself and for your child. Your decision will be respected at Marywood.

Can I be involved in choosing the family for my baby?
Yes! You may choose the adoptive family for your baby. We will present families to you based on the things that are important to you. Once you have chosen a family, you can decide whether or not you would like to meet with them in person.

How much contact can I have with the family after the birth?
While you are visiting with the adoptive family you have chosen, it is very important to make a plan that is comfortable for both you and the family. The majority of birthparents today are interested in receiving pictures and letters. Some birthparents have occasional visits at Marywood. All contact is voluntary and may not be legally enforceable.

How will I know my baby is with a good family?
Marywood conducts a thorough Child Abuse and Criminal background check on every family. The family's case worker meets with each family frequently during the pre-adoptive home screening process, at their home. Our families provide references, complete an autobiography, sign a non-physical discipline policy, complete physicals at their doctors office, receive a health and fire inspection of their home and complete Marywood's adoptive parent's training.

Does the birthfather have rights?
In the state of Texas all birthfathers have a right to know about the pregnancy and about your plans for the child. Marywood hopes that all birthfathers will support the birthmother in parenting or making an adoption plan.

If I choose adoption, when is my decision final?
The earliest you can sign a relinquishment of parental rights is 48 hours after the child's birth. Temporary care is available if you need more time to consider your decision. Once you sign a relinquishment of parental rights, it is final and irrevocable.

What will my child be told about me and the adoption?
Marywood encourages all families to talk to their children about adoption. The adoptive family will be given information about your background, family and medical history, interests and hobbies. They will learn how to share your information and how to answer children's questions.

Does this cost me anything?
No! There is no cost to you while you are working with Marywood. We will provide services to you whether you decide to parent or make an adoption plan.

What support is available?
We will assist you with medical care, future planning, education, housing, financial concerns, talking with the birthfather, the grief and loss process and ongoing support. Marywood is able to provide birth families with referrals to a counselor in your area who is familiar with placement & adoption related issues.

Will anyone find out that I made an adoption plan?
Marywood will maintain confidentiality. We are committed to protecting your privacy as well as the other individuals involved in your decision.

Do I need a lawyer?
You may certainly contact an attorney regarding your legal rights and we would encourage you to do so if you have questions or concerns.

Still have questions?
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