The Adoption Process

Building your family through adoption can at times be both exciting and challenging. Understanding the process is essential whether you are considering a domestic or international adoption.

Consider these steps as you begin your journey:

  •  Educate yourself – read, search the Internet, join an adoptive parents’ group, attend adoption information meetings, and ask questions! Some suggested resources are:

The Adoption Information Clearinghouse ()
Adoptive Families Magazine (
Adoption Week e-magazine (

  •  Select an agency that meets your needs. Things to consider are location of the agency, agency requirements for families, the specific children they serve, and any other concerns that you may have.

  •  Attend an Adoption Information Meeting to learn more about the agency, the children they serve and the process of adoption.

  •  Complete the Pre-Adoptive Home Screening process. The steps in this process may vary from agency to agency or whether it is a domestic or international adoption.
Those steps may include:
  •  The Pre-Adoptive Home Screening Process -This is an opportunity for families to learn more about adoption through training, visits with your caseworker and resources. Marywood’s staff is there to support families at all stages of this process.

  •  Completion of a Family Album – Prospective adoptive families are asked to complete a family photograph album that can be shared with waiting children or birthmothers who are considering making an adoption plan.

  •  Matching Process – Depending on the program, the agency will provide information on older children who are waiting for a family, assist in the referral process for children from another country or share information on birthmothers who are considering an adoption plan for their child.

  •  Pre-placement Visit – After the decision has been made to place a specific child with your family, you will have the opportunity to meet the child and spend time with them prior to placement.

  •  Placement – The child is physically placed in your home and you begin your life together as a new family.

  •  Supervision/Post Placement Period – Your family will meet with your caseworker for at least six months after placement. The number of visits will depend on the needs of your child and your family and, if international, the requirements of the agency and the country of origin.

  •  Finalization – At the end of the Supervisory/Post Placement period, steps may be taken to legally finalize your adoption in court.

  •  Post Placement Services – Marywood offers a long history of service to birth and adoptive families. We are committed to supporting our families long after placement through case management services, referral to community resources, and other supportive services.