Marywood Adoption FAQ

What programs does Marywood offer?
Marywood offers adoption programs for families interested in domestic and international adoption of infants, older children, sibling groups and/or children with special physical, mental and emotional challenges.

How long has Marywood provided adoption services?
Marywood has served children and families since 1921. Marywood is a founding member of the Adoption Coalition of Texas and is a supporter of the Heart Gallery of Texas

How long does the adoption process take?
It depends on the program, your openness and the child that you want to adopt. The home-study process can usually be completed within six to eight weeks. Matching your family with a child varies with the program.

Does it cost to adopt?
There are several factors that will determine the cost of an adoption, primarily the program that a family has chosen. There are no costs for families interested in the special needs adoption program with the State.

What is an adoption homestudy or pre-adoptive home screening?
The home screening/homestudy process is an opportunity for the agency to get to know you, provide you with information on agency resources, and the children who are available. It is also an opportunity for you as an adoptive family to learn more about the issues of adoption. All families who choose to adopt must complete the homestudy and training process prior to being approved for adoption.

What geographic areas does Marywood serve?
Marywood works with families throughout Texas.

How many families does your agency work with at any one time?
Marywood works with a number of families in each program. It varies due to the number of children available. The agency welcomes all requests from families and is happy to provide families with a general idea of when a homestudy might be started.

What are the eligibility requirements for families?
That will vary depending on whether it is a domestic or international adoption.

General criteria for families interested in adopting through Marywood’s Adoption Program include the following:

  •  Families of any creed, racial and ethnic background, national origin, political affiliation, or handicap
  •  Families residing in the State of Texas. In special circumstances, the agency will work with a family out of state
  •  Legally married couples or single, widowed or divorced individuals
  •  Individuals who are at least 21 years of age or older
  •  Families who view adoption as a positive way of building a family
  •  Families who are financially stable
  •  Families with no children and families who are already parenting children
  •  Applicants may own or rent a home or an apartment
  •  Families who have the physical, financial and emotional stability to care for a child

When is an infant placed with an adoptive family?
Marywood places infants and children after the parental rights of the birthparents have been terminated. The agency does not do legal risk placements for infants.

When does a birthmother sign a Relinquishment of Parental Rights?
A birthmother may not sign a Relinquishment of Parental Rights until 48 hours after the birth of her child. Those birthmothers needing additional time may be offered temporary foster care for their child until they make a decision to parent or make an adoption plan.

How do you begin the process of adopting?

  •  Read books on adoption
  •  Talk to someone who has adopted
  •  Attend a regularly scheduled Adoption Information Meeting (AIM) at Marywood
  •  Request an informational packet
  •  Attend an adoptive parent’s support group

Are there support groups for adoptive families?
Yes, there are several support groups that provide regular meetings, information on adoption related issues, newsletters and socials for adoptive families. Some suggested resources are: